Hearts Desire,The Two Sides Of Me,The End

ok today is a double feature i admit it! i was writing my last journal entry and thought why dont i just tell everyone where the three poems ive put up here so far came from? you probly dont care but oh well here i go!

lets start off with a failure that way we can have a big finale~
i wrote the poem "The end" in free form style. one day i got rly depressed and i thought about it if my word was destroyed i wouldnt of been surprised....if mankind feel i would probly laugh tbh i dont want to sound mean about it but....it just had a cruel sense of irony
(warning profanity)
next we can talk about "the two sides of me" this is one of my fav poems ive written, i wrote it just a few days ago when i was taking a shower (most of my poems comes to me when im taking a shower or swimming) and i thought how i always used to be a asshole to everyone untill i met my best friend and she somehow made me all nice and stuff *dont know what that happend* but after my grandfarthers death i was completely well gone lol *this was befor my best friend turned me nice* i wanted to be evil and to hate everyone and well i started to fail in school and in life in general then this girl just said hi and we talked and became friends then best friends lol and somehow i became nice and the war in my soul stoped ^_^
"hearts desire" i dont feel like talking about it if u rly want to know just pm me and maybe ill tell you its a touchy subject with me lol
March 7th, 2009 at 07:16pm