One Shot issue and other stuff

ABout my one shots. I'm terribly sorry I haven't been working on them. I've been busy, which isn't an excuse, but besides that I accidentally deleted the journal with all the info that you guys gave me. So if you could give it to me again, I'd really appreciate it.
I'm reposting my stories really soon, which is good. I've been working on the plots everything alot, so it should be alot better. I'm going to hawaii next week so it won't be then, but the weekend after, probably most likely, but i will have the prolouge of building and burning brides up :D
So other issues:
I just saaw an amazing video by my friend cassie about suicide. It really moved me. Just looking at it made me think, why do we think that we have no one when we really have so many that care about us?
and just becuase we don't always express it, doesn't mean that it isn't there. It's always there. You always have someone who loves you, whether it be your parents, your friends, and just plainly God or whoever you believe in.

Yea sometimes life hurts..okay it hurts alot sometimes...but never ever think that noone's there for you. EVER. talk to someone, anyone you trust. If you feel you can't take it anymore. Talk..just let it all out.
March 8th, 2009 at 01:12am