A Light in the Dark - Daily Story Review

Okay, so as I said in my journal earlier today, I would be reviewing one original fiction and one fanfiction story a day. I think it's a little difficult to find things that you really want to read, or that has a plot you have been looking for on here. Some people are looking for SERIOUS original fictions and it's hard to find them through all the fanfictions or people are looking for fanfictions with not-so-popular people. Well anyways, lets get on with the review.

My First Ever Original Fiction Story Review

Okay so this story is called "The Same Green Eyes." by Toasty. http://www.mibba.com/story/Toasty/The-Same-Green-Eyes/
I found this while randomly clicking around, actually. I was bored out of my mind and needed a read. I saw an All Time Low fanfiction above it and accidently clicked The Same Green eyes. I read it anyways, and even after the first chapter, I was hooked!!!!!


Rating: One Star (Only cause it's just getting started)
Chapters: Two Currently
Comments: 4
Rated: PG-13

Here is the review provided by Toasty "When you see a pretty smile that makes your heart melt, that might mean something. But, when you notice you two have the same eyes, the same laugh, the same skin tone, the same habits... well, that might mean something, too."
Please check this great story out!
Plus the author of this great story has a few more stories worth checking out. A few of my favorites are.... http://www.mibba.com/story/Toasty/Stage-Kisses/ Stage Kisses..... http://www.mibba.com/story/Toasty/Beginnings-Arent-So-Simple/ Beginnings Aren't So Simple... and http://www.mibba.com/story/Toasty/Auburn-Monty-Academy/ Auburn Monty Academy

Also if you liked the story "The Same Green Eyes." Check out "Sleeping With Giants" by TheImperfectProposal http://www.mibba.com/story/jdsgurly/Sleeping-With-Giants/
Review: "William's wife died when Amanda was 5.
Ever since then, it's just been the two of them.
They didn't care because they were cool with each other unlike the common father/daughter.
They were like best friends.
They thought that would never change.

Now Amanda's 16.
William now has nothing but sick thoughts about her.
What he doesn't know is that in Amanda's mind, she's having the same thoughts.
So, father in love daughter and daughter in love with father.
This can't end well, but hey.
You never know. "
Check those out!

My First Ever Fanfiction Review

This one is for all of you Twilight Fan Girls out there. Yes, I know, since I was once one, that once you love twilight, you can never get enough!


So for my Twilight Fan Girl Fanfiction I picked, Ellie by Poppey. Ellie is a hilarious, creative story about a girl named Ellie who gets dropped into a Twilight Universe. "Ellie wakes up in the twilight universe. She is placed in the middle of Eclipse, should she tell everyone what she knows will happen? Will her intereference change the whole story? And Embry's kind of cute, isn't he?"


Rating: One Star (Again, Just Getting Started)
Chapters: Currently Four
Comments: 1
Rated: PG-13

Please check the story out! Poppey is sort-of new and doesn't have any more stories, but if you like this Twilight Fanfiction, check out "We'll Make it Through" by Shine.on.Me. http://www.mibba.com/story/_80095/_134700/

"Vanessa is living a living hell. Besides being a werewolf, she must suffer the lectures about falling in love with a vampire. As you know, vampires and werewolves are pure enemies. Well, Vanessa doesn’t care one bit, because she falls for a certain vampire that goes by the name Emmett Cullen. Emmett goes through the same thing that Vanessa goes through. He also must suffer through the lectures his family gives him about falling in love with a werewolf. Will Vanessa and Emmett be together when their families are trying to tore them apart and while evil- sucking vampires are trying to take over mankind? Will they make it through it all?"

Check um' Out!
March 8th, 2009 at 05:28am