

When all other friends desert, she remains. When every thing falls to pieces, she is as constant in her love as the sun in its journey through the heavens.

The one absolutely unselfish friend she (Jade) can ever have.

I decided to create that picture for you Jade... and I hope it doesn't upset you even more. I just wish I could do something more to help and make things better again. Unfortunately, I can do nothing more but write useless things on this computer to make you numb.
I promise you that I will always be there by your side, no matter what happens. I'm so sorry Jade.

You're my best friend, my inspiration, and so much more. You've given me a lot and I wish I could give you something in return, something you can keep close to your heart to remind you that I'll always be there for you.
March 8th, 2009 at 05:31am