Sick and Tired [3.8.09]

Sorry, I've been lazzzyyy... Ok, well I've got a topic here! Ever noticed how all 10-star ranked stories are basically about the same things and have the same specific detials??? (e.i. vampires, the age 17, arranged marriges, werewolves, the guy the girl falls in love with is mean to her, the girl has always considers herself different, etc.) It's kinda driving me bonkers. (Did I really just say that?! See what it's done to me??) Anyway, I'm kinda getting sick and tired of the same stuff, it gets repetitve after a while no matter how original it is. You wouldn't belive how many vampire stories I've read! Don't get me wrong, the authors for each are spectacular and each have a wonder style in writing but I now can't differenciate one story from another!! Please people post a story that's d.i.f.f.e.r.e.n.t! I still love reading the now repetitive stories and I'm not telling anyone to stop writing them, I'm actually subscribed to on story called "Do Mine Eyes Decive Me?? . . . A Gorgeous Sadistic Vampire" and it's fantastic! I just wish someone would post a 10-star story that's not what it seems. =]
And some of you reading this may wonder, "Then why don't you do something about it instead of whining about it?!?!"
Well the answer is simple. I have yet to write a *ahem* successful story. (My first one was too confusing to follow.) And well, maybe I will do something about it! *smirks mysteriously* But you never know, it's surprising how lazy I can get. =]
March 8th, 2009 at 08:26pm