Panic Survey

Who Is Your Favorite Member Of The Band?:
Ehhhh, Idk. I like all the members. Ryan’s cool, Brendon’s pretty cool, Spencer’s an amazing drummer and Jon’s just… AWESOME.

Why Is The Above Person Your Favorite Member?:
Cause they’re awesome?

What Is Your Favorite Song Off Of A Fever You Can't Sweat Out?:
“But it’s better if you do”

What Is Your Favorite Song Off Of Pretty. Odd.?
“Mad As Rabbits”

Which Album Do You Prefer?
Pretty. Odd.

It doesn’t have a bunch of songs about sex or whores like their first album.

Do Prefer Jon Or Brent?

Who's Vocals Are Better Ryan's Or Brendon's?
it’s a tie.

Because it just is.

Are Panic At The Disco Your Favorite Band?
Nope, but they’re one of my favorites. I have several and they’re basically running in a race.

if Not, Who?
Lol DBSK. Yes, I know DBSK is Korean but they’re my favorite band.

When Did You First Discover Panic?
Well, I heard their song “I write sins not tragedies” when it first came out but I didn’t really care for it too much when it came out. But when Pretty. Odd. came out, Hot Topic was playing it and the cute guy that I had a crush on liked them so I picked up their album and bought it just to talk with him about his favorite bands. That’s how I discovered that I liked Panic. =D

What Was Your First Song?
“Do you know what I’m seeing?” was the first song I liked of their.

What Was Your First Video?
“I write sins not tragedies.”

What is Your Favorite Panic Song?
“Nine in the afternoon”

What is Your Favorite Video?
A tie between “Mad as Rabbits” and “But It’s Better If You Do”

Panic Are Better Live Or On The Albums?
I’ve never seen them live so I guess on the albums.

If Your Favorite Is Live, Which Song Do They Perform The Best?

Have You Seen Them Live?

If So, How Many Times And During Touring For Which Album?

Have You Heard Any Of Their Covers?

If So, Which Is Your Favorite?
March 8th, 2009 at 09:57pm