Hello again im back! read and comment and message my because im bored:)

Have not been on in forever.!<br>
Okay alott has happened in my life since the last time i got on
I have lost a bestfrand and gained 2 which i am happy about:D
I have had some boy problems but who does i mean girls haha
There has been drama as always but i will survie
One person hates me (the x-best friend)
Well My 2 new best frands are Payton and sheree thay are amazzing
Oh at the moment i am watching Napoleon Dynamite! haha
Im going to change the movie after i finsh typing this:)
Well not good news at all my grandma died:(( like a month or 2 agoo
my brother now hates my bio dad and i want to see him but i cant because of my whole brother.
My half brother came back in to my life:)) and i discovered that i have a niece and a nephew and thats pretty awsome and i have a sister in law
My birthday is coming up on march 30th i cant wait im going to be 15:)

Just changed the channel:)
now im watching school of rock

Well im going to upload some New pics that i took yeserday with payton

Well people even if you dont know comment me and talk to me im nice:D
March 8th, 2009 at 11:21pm