today today what a wonderfull day.....

yes as you will find out soon about me i like doing journals ^_^ why? idk....and most of the time the title of my journals have no real....point? lol its just a mess of randomness i put together in a pretty little box and attached a bow too ^_^

so todays journal is on.....addiction (no not the person) we have all been addicted to something rather it be mibba,smoking,drinking,tv,pc, or whatever we have all been their lol (mibba is my new addiction) addiction is very powerfull ^_^ blah blah blah.....ext ext ext thats what all de people who arent addicted would start saying sum "moving" speach about it BUT im not like that ^_^ a lil addiction dosnt harm no one....(look at me im fine ^_^) *passes out* huh? wah? oh yhea! lol addiction addiction i just love that word ^_^ i forgot my point.....addiction is good or bad?....its both lol we all need someone to keep us tied down to sanity....just in moderation....unless its mibba.....cant go wrong with mibba....................

lol idk pulled this outa my rear ^_^ hope u liked it......
March 9th, 2009 at 09:20pm