March 9, 2009

I just thought I'd start this because i really dont have anything better to do.

So anyway, Today was torture because i had to listen to pretty much every teacher go on and on about pointless s**t and i had a massive headache.
In FACS we're sewing pants. Which I'm terrible at sewing so im sure this is pointless for me. Just ask Kat. She can tell you how bad i suck a**. And i think mrs glueck is on f**king crack. She has massive mood swings about who took of the foot thing on the sewing machine and she goes CRAZY over little things. Also, she sings and she raps... and is just f**king crazy.

And OH MY GOD. I want to strangle Mr. Tyrer (A.K.A PERVERTED RAMBLING HORRBLE SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHER). Id rather not go into detail about it because i dont want to get in trouble with the law XD
His class is the WORST. All i do is draw all over my hand( today i made a pretty spiderweb on my palm by the way.) and TRY to understand half the s**t he says and the god d**n homework.

Sorry about all the cussing. I do it a hell of a lot. Heh. But anyway,,,
I went to see Fired Up last night with a couple friends. HILARIOUS MOVIE!!!!!!! A lot of sexual s**t though. So i suggest DONT go with your parents... Very awkward moments. Lol.

Well anyway, i gotta get going. Laterzz
March 9th, 2009 at 10:31pm