Heart Like a Hand Grenade Premiere!

Okay, so back to the Director John Roecker topic. Green Day and Director John Roecker has offically announced that there will be something big going to happen March 25th, 2009 in the L.A, CA area. The documentary for Hear Like A Hand Grenade is the reason for this major event. Woo hoo! ^_^

Anyways, GreenDay.com has announced that they are having a "contest" in a way so that 100 lucky people can attend the premiere. Vist site for more info.

In other news, there is exactly 64 days left until May comes around, and we will probably start seeing ads of Green Day's new album 21st Century Breakdown in the month to come. Keep checking in for more information or visit GDA, GreenDay.com, and GreenDay.net for sources and addtional info.

(PS Keep a look out on GreenDay.com for the single release date and tour announcements.)
March 10th, 2009 at 05:53am