to the people who like my poems

well todays journal is for all the people who said my little mistakes of poems where good!

as most of you know that i dont think any of my poems are any good,but a few of you have convinced me not to give up utterly on poems (ive given up on free form poetry btw) "the end" was literly my end haha,anyways i thought it would be nice to give a little mention out to all of you great people....if i forgot to add ur names to the list below pm me and ill fix it!

random people who enjoy my poems,

xmuffincakex8,Yeah...It's Just Me,hardcore pickle,addictions,Knighthawk,SamToraSavage,Simply_Lonely,Kaden89,emo-princess,poppopsgirl, any many many more ^_^
March 11th, 2009 at 01:20am