Because I'm bored.

And I'm a procrastinator and don't want to fill out my Leadership application even though it's due on Friday and I have to go to a completely different school to turn it in.


I will inform you of my day (first day of last trimester of this school year YAY). I know, very exciting.

I got to school and went to the library with my friend (we carpool to school along with two other boys in my neighborhood - ones I would rather not socialize with but their parents give me a ride once a week so I'm not going to complain so much. They've actually grown somewhat...nice to me, which is a plus) and she convinced me to check out the first book in The Wereling series. I'm still a little iffy on it, because it seems kinda cliche in the 'We're-going-to-run-from-a-common-enemy-together-and-then-fall-in-love' kind of way, but I'm willing to give it a shot because I don't have any other actual books to read. Though I do have to catch up on No Man's Land by Jinxeh, which I highly recommend. I said I'd finish it this weekend and I lied, again, because I am a horrible reader and a large procrastinator.

Speaking of, I'm reading Jinxeh's three most recent journals. Because I stalk her. And she amuses me.

Back to my school day...

I get out of the library, go to my locker, follow some friends around who are all in first hour Intensive Biology while I'm in fourth hour (because they all have Intensive History fourth hour, blah blah, I'll get into that later) before going off to history. There I learned that I scored a 100% on my Trimester B history exam, which I'm totally stoked about because I guessed on about fifteen of the hundred questions. Ace.

Then geometry, which pretty much just sucked all around. Test tomorrow, review and other sections tonight. Ugh. And I couldn't get half my crap done because everyone's all, "Amber! I don't get this!" "Amber, please help! You're a math genius!" "AAAAMMMMBBEEEAAARRR!" I love my friends, I really do, but sometimes it seems like they can't get through three problems without asking me for help. So I had to put my foot down with 30 minutes left of class and not answer any more questions. Yeah, you're supposed to ask your peers for help first before you go to the teacher, but would it kill you to talk to the guy once in a while so you can let me get my work done? Sheesh.

Then leadership. Dude, it was awesome, I swear. I freaking adore that class so much, I don't think you guys really know. (For those that have no idea what Leadership is, it's basically a student council where you organize stuff for the school and run projects and spirit weeks and stuff.) I'm not always psyched about the actual school functions and actually going to them, I just love the oranizing the project part and succeeding in putting on something for other people to enjoy or hate, whichever the case.

Lunchtime rolled around and I had a lot of fun with some of my friends who I almost never see. And I met a fellow Green Day fan! That guy was shy and quiet but just to know that someone else in the school is as fanatical about Green Day as I am makes me really happy. Oh, and I'm getting two AFI shirts for my birthday in six months. I will hold my friends accountable to that - don't let me forget. x]

Around now I went to biology. First off, I must say that I enjoy this class and it comes pretty easily for me. Seriously, ecosystems? Genetics? The human body? What could be more easy? At least for me. that I have basically no one to socialize with in that class and the two people at my table are annoying beyond annoying (today they fought about the difference betwee 'immigration' and 'emigration' and I had to settle the fight by telling them which was which - one of the many fights they had today and will continue to have for the rest of the trimester, no doubt). The good thing is there are only fifteen kids in my biology class and I am the only one sitting on my side of the table. And I'm still in the front, so I'll be able to see the overheads as clear as I did Trimester A when I also had biology. But today was just...not very enjoyable, what with our forty minutes of bookwork.

The last class of the day - drawing. Pretty much what I had been looking forward to since the end of leadership, haha. We literally sat in there for ten minutes, took attendance, and then went around the school to draw stuff. It was awesome. I think I drew a bench in the courtyard quite well, especially from being a bit far away and inside the school because it was raining outside. I was pleased.

I then met up with my carpool buddy from earlier in the library and another carpool buddy that just comes with us in the afternoon - Katie and Rachael respectively, because it would get too complicated for me to use their longer, nondescript names throughout this part, haha. Anyways, Rachael spends her first two class periods at another school for an advanced technology, science, and math program. She actually hasn't visited her locker in about two months, so we spent fifteen minutes searching for her locker combination inside her planner and then her locker (throughout this entire time we were laughing our heads off for no particular reason, though I guess I was laughing because the day was finally over). We found it, Rachael cleaned it out, and now Katie's going to move into it because her classes are closer to Rachael's locker than her own. Which is kind of amusing because it's almost at the end of the technology hallway, where my old locker was.

I just noticed that my sentences in this journal are quite long.

Anyways, I come home, scare my dad out of his nap on the couch (which was quite funny, by the way) and then take a nap. It was nice, naps are nice. Sleeping is good. I slept until five, then got up and did my geometry homework - one problem isn't finished because I know what I have to do, I just can't get there - and then, well, got on the computer.

Which was one of the highlights of my dad, to tell you the truth.

I checked my story subscriptions, read a few and unsubscribed from one that hasn't been updated in a year because it lost my interest and another because, well, it just lost my interest in general. xD

And I kind of fail at replying to comments, so I checked my profile anyways to see which ones I need to reply to, and this was the last comment posted on my profile: I was being a stalker around the forums and found out Tainted Water won first place in the contest it was entered to. :tehe: Congratulations! That one-shot really deserved it. [: Revolting.

And I freaked.

This story was entered in this contest and it freaking won. I was ecstatic. I looked at the contest page and there it was, first place, Tainted Water by Cherry Road. I'm highly proud of this piece, partly because I took so much time on it and made it really the best it could be, so I'd appreciate it if you would read it. ;D /pimp

So I won the first contest I ever entered on Mibba. Quite happy, I must admit. It definitely boosted my ego. Though I don't know if I'll enter any contests anytime soon or anything, I'm perfectly happy with just writing at my own pace and more writing for myself than anyone else. (As a side note, authors who beg for comments - especially every chapter - and "hold chapters hostage" as Jinxeh put it in one of her journals a while ago, annoy the crap out of me. Stop it, please. It does no good. Why write something if all you want is a little attention? I firmly believe in writing only when you feel like it and when you're in the mood, so it's good for the story and good for yourself, too. Never when someone begs or when you want more people reading what you've written.)

And I'm quite proud of most of the things I've posted on this site.

But anyways, I should probably get back to work. Yeah. Because that application's due on Friday and I need to figure out where an office or something is in this other school.
March 11th, 2009 at 01:33am