I'm disappointed in myself

This year my grades haven't been so good. First tri, I nearly failed civics. I was only like a few points away from failing.

I told my parents i would do better. But guess what, I didn't. Grades are going home tomorrow, and i mostly have C's. Thats not all that bad, but no where near my best.

I'm going to be grounded and its not like i will even have anything to say to them when they yell at me. I really don't even know what to do. I'm so disappointed in myself because I know I can do better than what Ive been doing.

My mom said she cant even imagine what Ive been doing to make my grades this bad. They think I'm into drugs and stuff because I'm basically failing classes that i could be getting A's in because I'm just to lazy to do the work. I want to tell them i will do the work this tri, i will do my best this tri. It would be the truth, but i used that last time and they wont believe me.

I'm so nervous I feel sick.
March 12th, 2009 at 12:42am