Would you read this if it was posted?

It was the same as always, wakeing up, eating breakfast, walking to school (it was only a few blocks from my house, yuck :P, i know). At least i thought it would be pretty normal. I mean if anything happened to me, my parents wouldn't really care or know until about two/three weeks later, seeing as they were off in France or Europe or someplace like that. You know, just seeing the sights. ^.^

I have no idea why they didnt bring me though! Ugh!! It was so not fair. But i guess thats life. Anyway, where did i leave off?

Oh, ya. Well on my way to school i starting to daydream, like i always do. I really have to stop doing that. Just after a few minutes into my fantasy world, i bumped into this guy. I know, how dare he interupt my dream!!! It was a good one too. >.>

Then he turned to me and Im surprised that i didn't just fall to my knees with my mouth hanging open. He had brown hair that was spiked up at the back and he had beautiful green eyes. Why hadn't i seen this guy at my school?! I would have noticed him... okay, i lied, i probably wouldn't have noticed him, since i never pay attention to this world anyway. Then at lunch i aways never fail to fall asleep, but that's not the point!! >.<

The guy looked at me like he was expecting something, and then it hit me. Duh, i was supposed to apoligize! Sometimes i hate it when my thoughts go astray. I looked up at him, he was at least a few inches taller than me, darn him!

"Sorry 'bout that, i guess i just kinda zoned out. Yep! That's me, zone out and bump into cute guys. Heh-heh," I said. Wait, i didn't just say cute, did I? Ohmygawd!!! i cant believe i just did that. Im such a stupid idiot!!!
The strange thing is, he didnt react to me calling him cute. How dare he not react!! I say my crush out loud, okay technically i just call him cute, but no matter!!! Its all the same to me! How dare he not....
"You go to the high school dont you?" the guy asked. I looked at him. "Yep!" I answered smiling. At least he said something, and that counts!
"Doesn't that start in a few minutes?" He asked and looked down at my watch. Ya, he was right.... in a few minutes it did start. "Heh-heh, ya...well... if you'll excuse me, " I said smiling to hide my panic. As soon as I stepped past him, I started charging toward the school. I cant believe I let that guy make me late. Technically it wasn't his fault, but i dont care!!! Im blaming him anyway.
[pgbr] I made it inside my first class with only seconds to spare. I sighed as I sat in my seat in the back. I laid my forehead onto the desk and caught my breath.
I cant believe what an idiot i am. i freakin' let a boy almost get me late to class. I sighed and banged my head aganist the desk. Im so stupid! Grr, next time, im just saying sorry and then, im leaveing!!! ugh! I banged my head again, makeing a very loud bam through the classroom. I'm surprised that i didnt get a headache, but that was before the teacher started to glare at me. "Ms. Smith, care to share why you dropped a book?" asked Mrs. Totomo, also know as the b-witch. She's hated me since i was born, dont ask me how, but she has.
I sighed and said,"I didn't drop a book, that was my head." I propted(sp?) my head up to where my chin was holding my face up. I was still tired from last night. I dont know why, but i always seemed to stay up late at night, and no, im not an insomniac(sp?). I can always go back to sleep just after 12am.
"Well, dont do it again," she obviously didnt have a better answer. Ha! the class was giggling, not that my answer wasn't truthful. I guess they thought i was lying, or that they couldnt believe that my head was so hard. I couldnt believe it either. Maybe i did drop a book. I looked around my desk. Nope, no book. I guess it was just my head. Weird.
By lunch, i went to the library like i always did. I dont like to read too much, but its the only place i know that i can get some nice and quiet. Oh, plus a nap. the librarian usually woke me up before my next class, so i didnt usually worry.
Just as i was bout to fall asleep i was brought back to the world by a loud bang. I growled in my thought and opened one eye to peek. There was the culprit(sp?). I wasn't surprised that it was the boy from earlier. Stupid Idiot, dropping books while i was trying to get some acutal sleep.
It was weird, because he was staring at me, his eyes were wide. Like he was seeing a ghost or something. But we just met this morning right? So it was no big deal, right? Anyway, i ignored him and turned my head the other way and tried to go back to sleep.
Yet again, i was shoot awake by a bang. Only this time it was in front of me. I looked up and saw that the guy was just on the other side of the desk i was sitting at. "Hey, some ppl are trying to sleep here, do you mind?" I said to him, glaring. "Sorry, im just..... well.... what's your name?" he said. At first, i was a little taken back. I looked at him for a minute, getting my thoughts together. Forgot to mention this earlier, i get a little scater(sp?) brained just after i wake up.
"My name?"I was quiet for a minute,"Oh, my name! I'm Natalie. What's your name?"i asked. The boy looked at me for a moment. Like he was thinking something over. Weirdo, waking me up in the most vitial time that i need sleep. "I'm Jaik, nice to meet you," he said and then he turned away and walked out of the library. Weirdo. At least now i can sleep.
The bell rang only seconds later. DANG IT!!!! The guy, oops, i mean Jaik, did it AGAIN!!! Only this time he kept me from sleeping. Stupid Idiot thats a Weirdo. Ya, and more names just keep comeing.
By the time school was out, I was tired and fustrated. I swear if i-----
Just then i bumped into a guy. There seems to be a pattern forming. I keep bumping into guys just as im about to gather any serious thoughts. I backed up, just about to tell the guy a thing or two, when i noticed he wasn't Jaik. This guy, although equal in cuteness to Jaik, had the usual blonde hair, bright blue eyes. His hair was layered(sp?), which made it spike in every which way.
He looked down at me and said,"Move, I dont have time for you," I glared at him, but i was just as happy to get out of his way. I needed to get to my house anyway. My show would be on in a few minutes.
Just as my show was getting interesting, a knock came to my door. Who could that be??! I went over and opened the door to reaveal....

would you read my new spaz story??? lol. It hasn't been revised, so call this a draft....
March 12th, 2009 at 01:23am