There is such thing as too much OJD, people!

okay, i've wanted to say this for quite some time, i just didn't have anywhere to post it.
I personally, as you can obviously tell, love the jonas brothers.
BUT, i think it is too crazy when fans actually try to dress and BE them practically.

If you admire they have a purity ring and what it stands for, that is FINE, but do YOU have to get a purity ring just because they have one? i mean, come ON. I read somewhere that the purity ring sales have gone up 20% in sales just because the jonas brothers admitted to having them. it's crazy. you need to start being your OWN person. It's cool if you have one for your own beliefs, but it's taking it to the extreme if you just wear one because the boys do.

Another thing i also would like to point out. STOP DRESSING LIKE THEM. i've noticed that a ton of fans wear skinny jeans and raybans now because they do. ew man. I'm pretty sure if you are one of these people, you are just doing it because you think if they just so happen to see you on the street they will say something like "oh hey. i see your dressed up like us. date me?!" i highly doubt it. They like girlie-girls just to throw that one out there.

This is not an attack of anyone. It is simply me stating my opinions.

you don't even have to comment on this. i think it just needed to be said.

bottom line, be yourself and stop trying to be the girl version of kevin, nick, and joe :)
March 12th, 2009 at 02:23am