When will our world ever get better?

Who rules the world exactly?

This question has been popping up in my head lately, and I can't help but wonder who really does. Who decides whats what, and that's that?! Is it the President? Maybe a kingly king and Queen somewhere in their magical castle? What about the person that first created man, God himself?

But you see....it is not a who that makes the world go round, but instead it is a what. And what may that what be?


With it you can survive and be someone, but without it you are nothing and intern own nothing of value in this society.

This society filled with greed and bitterness. Where you must claw your way to the top, and throw companions under the bus just to get your ends meat. Where people are left out in the streets to beg and cry out for help on little cardboard signs. All the while the righteous are hurrying past without a second though in their minds.

When will our world ever get better?

-just some of my thoughts, you may agree or not, but I just wanted to type them down...so there they are.-
March 12th, 2009 at 04:06am