"When I Grow Up."

So it seems as If I've reached that point in my life where I have to start thinking about College, and what I'm going to do with the rest of my existence. I keep finding myself going back and forth in between wanting to be a writer, a doctor, a teacher, a cop, a lawyer....and repeat.

I think it's safe to say I have no idea what I want to be "when I grow up”.

Then again, what does that phrase even mean? When I grow up. Isn't that what I've been doing my whole life? I find this compilation of words to have a mildly flawed meaning, but I cant seem to get myself to stop using it.
When you think about it, do we ever stop growing up? Do we suddenly reach a point in our lives where we can say that we're grown ups? I don't think so, because theres always something else, always something we think we have to 'grow up' to accomplish.

So during this never ending cycle, of growing up, being grown up, and then growing up again, I must ask, does there come a point where we're just comfortable? Not only with our lives and our career choices, but with ourselves? Do we ever reach a point of true happiness with who we become? Whoever that person may be?

I cannot help but think that I will never be satisfied with myself as a person.

That in itself is a disappointment to myself, that I don't think my future self will be good enough. Does that make me a hypocrite? To think that that person isn't good enough, when obviously the person with those views is my own self?
I guess that's just another thing I'm going to have to deal with as I grow up. And yes, theres that silly little phrase again.

Oh my, looks like I've got A LOT of growing up to do..

Katie Lynn
March 12th, 2009 at 11:29pm