Facebook's hottest new Fanclub- PUNCH THE MUFFIN.

Hello fellow mibbians! I am here to inform you that there is a hot new fanclub out there on facebook. It is known as the Punch the Muffin Fanclub. It informs you of news on muffins, muffin pictures, muffin videos, and recent events.

(No, you don't have to join it. No, you don't have to care. It'd be nice though. ^_^ You can also add me. I am the creator of the club, Eveie Adah Whyse. I don't really car if ouy join or not actually, I'm just saying I have one... lol)

So, anywho- There's that.

Here tis' the link: Image

Thanks so much my friends.
March 13th, 2009 at 12:08am