Any amazing information for me?

I just found out a couple weeks ago that when you sleep, you are in such a deep sleep that you don't even start dreaming until you start waking up. I think that that is pretty fantastical! And so cool! And it seems weird because you fall asleep and you don't even notice the time of your deep sleep pass BECAUSE it's so deep. I always thought you would just fall asleep, dream, and wake up. But the dream is always way shorter than it seems. It like, gives me tingles to think about it.

Kind of like space. It goes on forever, and scientists think it's expanding. What does it expand into? It already goes on forever, and it kind of creeps me out knowing that if you had a map of space, you wouldn't even see the Milky Way. Because it goes on forever! You wouldn't even be able to have the map!

So, do you having any amazing information like this? Stuff that amazes you and leaves you thinking about all day?

March 13th, 2009 at 04:06am