Wake me up before you go go!

WOW! It has been a looonnnggg time since I did this! So sorry! I kinda forgot about it! Oh well! Im starting it again. YAY!!!!

Okay so here is how the day went:

Period 1 Chorus: the teacher wasn't there so this cool kid Dan taught the class. He's a senior and pretty awesome so we just ran through the songs once and then had a free period.

Period 2 Study Hall; finished some pschology homework. got into an argument with this one girl how I'm not allowed to like the Jonas Brothers because i'm 17 and not 6. My teacher backed me up by saying I'm a teenage girl so its understandable. hahaha.

Period 3 Commercial Art: worked on a project on the MacBooks. I want one! haha. Also watched this weird movie that was made in in Illistrator and and it was ina nother language. After the movie, we listened to RunDMC. They are pretty awesome!

Period 4/5 English: did some SAT practice essay. really boring

LUNCH: talked to friends. my one friend bought me lunch and we talked about memories from tennis from fresman year. good times!

Period 7/8 Math: did a packet for the SAT tests. I still sit next to Jimmy and both of us suck at math, so we just goofed off. But we got in trouble. hahaha.

Period 9/10 Chemistry: test that i forgot about! So i failed. hahaha. oh well. I have an A in that class so I can bring the grade up.

Period 11 Psycology: another test! I think i did fairly well on this one. let's hope!

Period 12 Civics: took notes. it was sooo boring!

My day was really boring. But I don't have school tomrrow so thats a plus. And saturday I'm going to the mall with my friend to buy stuff to make our concert shirts. OH YEAH! If we can get tickets, I'm going to a Jonas Brothers concert this summer. July 13, 2009 at Washington DC. Let me know if your going too!!!

Well I'm off to bed. I'm sooo tired. Night all!!!

March 13th, 2009 at 04:31am