You go to school like any teen everyday but to me it seems to be pointless. I rock up to school and what i get threatened to be taken to court and get the cops on me! and for what having my rights to say whats on my mind!! I didn't type anything bout the girl i mean come on how many girls in this world are named Marianne!! SERIOUSLY!

Then when it comes to the guys! OMG don't get me started. You tell em you think they are cute or give em a compliment on ANYTHING and they take pity on you and go out with you.Not because they like you cause they feel like 'i feel sorry for this chick i'll go out with her for a week then dump her for no reason and crush her heart'

Bands are supposed to get along right!?? but no here i am the bassist sitting here fiddling my thumbs waiting for our apparently singer to come along when BOOM the bands all of a sudden in a fight! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY OUR VOCALIST AND RHYTHM GUITARIST HATE ME!!!

i could just scream!!!
March 13th, 2009 at 12:57pm