Updates, I'm in a new band and lots of other shit :P

As some of you guys might have noticed I'm updating very fast. Almost every day if I get the chance to it!
Though I have a lot of school work scattering around the place too since I'm in my final year and I graduate (again) in May/June. Then I'm a manager, how awesome is that? XD
Though I really think hard about doing music management, or some art educational thing..

I'm currently listening to Pencey Prep's Secret Goldfish.
I like the song very much and it gives me goosebumps.. ^^
Then again, back to topic, I'm updating as fast as a machine like me can do! So many ideas!
Yet new ideas pop up in to my head all day long..
Then I suddenly hate it when I'm in a bus riding around listening to my mp4 while the sun is practically killing me right there behind that window.. And then I'm not around a computer to write it down or update fast!

I'm doing pretty good myself, I don't look longer like a skeleton!
So three cheers for gaining fat for once hahahaha!

I'm in a new punk band as lead vocalist and guitarist. I've been writing songs for weeks now!
Though it doesn't really take much time to write a good song lately anymore.. First the stuff I wrote was sheer crap.. Now they're actually pretty good if I may say so!

Well I guess in the state where I'm in it's not difficult to start screaming at anything lately!
They're actually kind of harsh..
The songs.
I don't know why actually.. O.o
All about blood, heart, rage and revenge..
Called even a song Murder Machine, so hey! haha :P

Oh right, the band name is Scratch, as it is for now.. Thought about The Dawn Of Damnation as well.. But it sounded too dark for me I think..
Since the music we're making is pretty much punk and rock intertwined together. I can't really put it under a label yet, and I don't think I'm going to be doing that..

I'm really exited about getting to record a first demo in a few weeks. Since my band mate JP, who's the bassist has his own studio back home.
I think it's going to be tough but I can't hardly wait for as we actually getting something taped for real! I've already recorded some of my stuff old fashioned style with an old tape recorder I stole from my grandmother, but the last thing I recorded was really dark and violent since I was quite depressed that time.
It's time to move on to happy things like blood, heart, rage and revenge.. No I'm just kidding..
It's not all dark.

Right, I'm drifting off the subject again!
I'm trying to update every day!
Just for your happy faces!!



March 13th, 2009 at 11:06pm