Recomend a Good story for me

Hey if you have a story and it's good please tell me what it's called so I can check it out.

and if I'm interested, then I'll read it and I like to commet, so I'll commet too.

I'm a very picky reader, haha It has to catch my attention, lol

I love romance stories, um action well all sorts!

but I don't want any fan fiction, okay? I don't want a Jonas brother story AT ALL or any band story kay?

I don't care if it has a colorful back round or not, I just care about the

So...if I don't commet your story i probably didn't read it, don't be offended O.O

Want your story read? Well come give me a title.

Thank you!
March 14th, 2009 at 12:25am