Rude comments make me angry. Did I do the right thing?

So I just posted the new chapter or As God Has Made Us. and this is the comment I got in return.

Not saying that you made the graphic at the top but the pictures are terribly pixelated and horribly blended. I suggest you find a better graphic artist or something. And the topic of this story, not that I bothered to read the actual story, is disgusting. I can't believe you and any other 'Frerard' writer out there would even come up with something like this. Honestly, Frank Iero is dating a woman. And Gerard Way is married with a pregnant wife. You must seriously be messed in the head to write something as disturbing as this. I really hope you have no graphic sex scenes in there because my already lack of respect for you would drop to infinity.

It was from some new user named tick. i wrote her a message back and i think it was very well worded.

Thank you for you're loving comment on my story. But i just have a few things to say about what you said.

My best friend made the graphic. She worked hard on it and is very proud of it. She is also the co-writer of this story. Sure it may be a little pixel-y and it may be be blended weird but it was the best she could do on the crappy photoshop we were using.

As for the topic of the story we all know very well that frank and gerard are both happily married to women and that Lyn-Z is pregnant. We are not stupid. We write frerards because of their stage antics. It's just creative writing for us. We all know that there is nothing going on between them and that there never will be. It's just fan-fiction. I like to make up tales of famous people. Big woop. It's just a way for me to write and create a character out of a pre-existing person. There really is no reason to freak out about that. We are not messed up in the head in anyway. It is not disgusting. It's just a story.

I do not have any graphic sex scenes in here because I do not write them. I read them, yes, but I don't write them. I don't get why this would change your respect for me. Does your respect for some one change when they watch porn? My guess? Probably not. You are just disgusted by the thought of 2 men having sex is my guess. Which brings up my next question. If you don't like these stories why would you go and comment on them? I see no point in commenting on someone's stories that they have worked hard on just to say you don't like the topic and that you think the story is disgusting.

Please. If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all. My friend and I have worked extremely hard on this story and yes we like constructive criticism but we do not appreciate someone bashing the topic that we write about.

With much respect,

was my response reasonable? i know at the beginning i was just a tad bit sarcastic but it's in my nature. urgh i'm so angry now. but i dind't lash out at her did i? i think it was reasonable...

so i'm more pissed now. she responded. with this.

You make me laugh with your sudden excellent grammer. Well let me show you what a true graphic looks like babe. That's something that was done and tried hard at. That was something I made. So you can just take your nasty little ass and get out.

I have no problem with men having sex. I do have a problem reading about other people writing about real people having sex. Think of what they think while reading that? They probably think the same exact thing as me. And whoever said you were stupid? No one. Get a life. I don't give a shit what you think of my writing. I'll bash on who I want to bash on. I'll comment what I want to comment. Kay? Buh bye.


that just made me like freak out and i'm gonna just not message back because she's not worth my time. i'm reporting her though. for insulting peoples ideas and beliefs and artwork and creative process. but ugh i'm so pissed now!
March 14th, 2009 at 01:08am