The Fragility of Life

It's amazing how flimsy life really is, when you think about it.

A friend of mine passed away today. She was only eighteen, with so much to live for, and was one of the most wonderful people I've ever met. I just can't seem to get it through my head.

It was so sudden, and that's where the fragility comes in. A week. That's how long she was sick. That's all the time it took for her life to be wiped away.

They say that life is unfair--God, what an understatement. They say the good die young--and how true it is. Those that deserve to live the most are the ones that don't get the chance to.

Yesterday she was here, laughing and making the world so much brighter than even seems possible. Today she's gone, abruptly and so irrationally, and already life seems to be countless shades darker.

It's so surreal, so numbing. It seems only seconds ago that I last heard her voice, and it's incomprehensible that I'll never hear it again.

Kelly, I miss you and I love you, and I can't wait until the day I see you again.
March 14th, 2009 at 04:29am