Happy 16th Birthday To Me!

So guys and gals, today is my sweet 16th birthday!

Though so far it hasn't been very sweet, because of my tonsilitus I have been unable to eat the amazing big chocolate vegan cake my mum bought me D:

Presents were good; ring with Three Cheers artwork inside, Capote and Joe Hill books, FOB jacket with funny 'Were The Wild Things Are' artwork xD, MCR guitar pics , a taylors dummy and many fun things!

Oh oh and of course my little blue ipod nano which I have christened...

*drum roll*

Lord Percy Percy :D

Oh me and Percy are gonna have lots of fun xD I am currently uploading music onto it now.

I spent the day in the park with my dad seeing who could do the best handstands and getting muddy in the process ^ ^

So birthday has been very good so far, despite the fact that im still ill!

I plan to spend the night getting to know Percy Percy and reading Joe Hill.

Goodnight y'al, and Happy Birthday to everyone around the world with the same birthday as me!

March 15th, 2009 at 08:49pm