
I've been writing stories for over ten years now, it's always come naturally to me. I love fiction, always loved reading stories, spent most of my youth doing so (Call me a geek I really don't care). Songs have always inspired me as music has always been a big part of my life. I have never been musical in anyway, I can't play the triangle and I can't hold a note if my life depended on it! But I've always listened to and been inspired by music. All types of music.

Anyway I'm getting off subject here, not that I really know what I wanted to write in this Journal, it was just somewhere to have a bit of a rant about my stories and what you could call my writers block!?

When I first started writing fanfics on this site, ideas started running through my mind and I found myself starting a number of stories just to get some of those ideas down on paper. I've had the basics of a few stories mapped out in note pads for a while now and would really like to get some of them finished and maybe even posted on here at some point.
When I started writing For Reasons Unknown I also had another five A7X stories floating around with just the basics mapped out in my note pad, with some expanding into a few chapters. Then when I started posting FRU I took the decision to concentrate on that story and the others were left untouched until it was finished.

My problems started when my mind kept on coming up with new story ideas and when, even though I've got 12 chapters written for They Can't Protect Me, I've now got writers block on that story and have started writing the basics of ANOTHER 3 stories!
Now I've gone back to flicking between a handful of stories and I'm finding it hard to concentrate on writing properly.
I really want to concentrate on They Can't Protect Me first though! But I really need to get past this 13th Chapter, then I'll be fine as I know exactally what's going to happen, it's just getting there from this one scene!


Rant over! Thanks for listening :)
March 16th, 2009 at 11:45pm