

So, you know those weird quiz things that have been going around on facebook/possibly myspace? (wouldn't know about myspace, it's "an evil evoirment...")

I swear in every single one, I'm tagged as Pocahontas, the disney one.


Everyone's excuse?

"You look like her!"

Is this what it has come down to?

That any girl with long, dark hair is officially Pocahontas?

Too be honest, I really don't have a problem with it, but come on. Jasmine as well?

Talk about racial steriotype.

What happen if I walked up to some blondie and was like "Hey, you look like Paris Hilton, because of your blond hair and fake tan!"


I know this really isn't THAT bigof a deal, but really people. Watch out for racial asumptions.

They will creep up like a bug! A flu!

I am done.

*signed out*
March 17th, 2009 at 05:53am