I'm not sleeping a lot these days.

I don't know if I'm doing it to myself or if it's just external forces.
Things are just getting me down lately college, family, friends and exams are al pressing on my mind.
I've only been getting an hour or two for the past few days, I stay up under the pretence of doing home work but just stare at pointless sites and listen to the same tracks over any over.

I don't even know why, only thing that made me think about all of this is sobbing over another animal rights vid.
I normally avoid them but I watched this one and it got to me like only one other has.

I thinking all of this might be out of despair and anxiety of coming tests and the work loads going drastically up.

Home life ain't reflect well either, a long term family friend is dying of cancer and is living in the front room right now.
And there's a big legal battle all in the middle of it that my mum has been put in charge of so I've lost her support and dad crumbles and drinks himself to sleep when ever mum is out of the house.

I feel stupid, I want so desperately to pull myself together but sometimes it just feels easier to sit and let all of this wash over you.

Ahh I need to sort myself out before college at lest a little.
Thanks if you listened to that vent.
March 17th, 2009 at 07:24am