I met this girl, who seemed to like me, but after 2 months, I had to be honest... and now it's over.

She was perfect, I swear, but, after going out with her for 2 months, I kinda thought she was... well, I thought she knew me better than to drop me on my ass before letting me explain.

I don't like to keep secrets, it sucks, so I felt it was only right to tell her about my Mia, because Mia is (and always will be) a big part of my life, and, well, she completely flipped.

I suppose I can understand it... why would anyone want to be in a relationship with a guy like me? They immediately jump to the conclusion that I'm an irresponsible asshole who gets girls knocked up for fun and is out for only one thing, and, well, I'm just not like that. Having Mia means I had to grow up a little fast in some ways, so I'm a lot more mature and responsible than most my age, I just wish they wouldn't judge me for one mistake.

It really sucks, because I really liked her. She was so sweet and clever and funny, but if she can't accept me and all of those I love then I guess she can't have been worth my time... I just wish I could find someone who was. :(
March 18th, 2009 at 11:28pm