Confusion and Heartbreak.

Everyone gets there heart broken at least once in thier life, and as much as it hurts, its part of the experience. I am learning right now that no matter how much effort you put into a relationship, it doesn't matter if the other person isn't putting the same amount.
Number One cause of heartbreak in my opinion: Carelessness. Significant others are people, and often don't think about the consequences of their actions. Believe me, I know. I've been on both sides of this horrific affair. I regret causing it, but I can't dwell on it because I've learned my lesson and now I know to look harder.
Number Two: Trying too hard. Again, I've been on both ends of this one too. Trying too hard can freak your partner out and in the end, cause them to break up with you and break your heart. This one sucks, because you thought you were doing everything you could possibly do to avoid a demise, and without realizing it, you cause it.
Number Three: Jealousy. If you are an overly jealous partner, watch out. Yes, jealousy is natural, but its also something thats needs to be restrained and controlled. Being too jealous can cause a false sense of attachement to grow and fill the relationship on one side. When this builds up, the relationship acts as an overful scale, it falls over and breaks.
And last in my opinion, is Malicious intent. This includes everything from just wanting to "get some" through silly dating games. I think that these are pretty much self explanatory so I'm not going to elaborate. I will say though, if you are someone who is acting under this category, GROW UP! This stuff is the stuff that really pisses me off and makes me want to throw all of the stupid people in the world on Australia and blow it up. Of course, I never actually would do that, but its nice to think about. ^^
As for heartbreak, it sucks, and I hate it with a passion, but its part of life. Everbody goes through it, and everybody gets over it eventually, but if you ever need someone to talk to about it, I'm here, and I'll totally listen.

March 19th, 2009 at 12:21am