Okay. Shut up.

Hate to sound like a ranting Molly,

but seriously... people and their pretention! Or in my language....snoot!
All they seem to do is *blah blah bah* about the same old things.
*Criticize* this and *I love* that. Over and over and over! We get it! And you think you're so great, but deep down, you hate yourself. You hate yourself, and you know it. If not, you're just pure pretention... snoot. It would be great to be so humble...

And, this brings me back to my last rant...

If you're going to take the time to tell me that you liked / disliked / "okayyy?..." the poem / story, push your lazy ass to tell me why. You're not stupid, and I know you know how to use words. If you are going to take the time to read the poem / story, you should have plenty of time to tell me why you thought it was weird. Gess what? YOU'RE weird!

And another thing, you're not that different. Yes, there is only one of you, with the same DNA and so on. But just because you prefer black over pink, Amy Lee over Paris Hilton, Gerard Way over Zac Efron, rock (probably pop-punk... yeah, I know) over pop (which is the same damn thing) and yeah, you can say you're different, but YOU'RE the mainstream!

I'm the mainstream!

You're the conformist,
Dead or alive!

So, yeah! Keep on going around thinking that no one understands you, and you're so right, putting others down to feel up (you middle school child) but we all do, and we see right through you. Because a lot of us are just like you: insecure.

I know you're confused, but frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. So yes. Comment this journal, telling me to simmer down, read the damn thing and click the "back" button without thought, don't even get throught the first sentence, or don't!

Pointless. Rant. Over.

March 19th, 2009 at 01:39am