IMPORTANT!! Please read!!

Hey there. For anyone who happens to stumble across this, here's my deal. My name's Ashley if you didn't know. In August I will be participating in the 3 Day 60 Mile Walk for Breast Cancer in Chicago. Now besides the training that I have to do, I also have to fundraise. I need to reach a goal of at least $2,300.00. I know, that's a lot. Most of us on this site are teens and broke-ass college kids. Honestly though, if you could take the time out to help me and the cause and donate anything, be it five dollars or whatever you can afford, every little bit helps. You'll be helping us get that one step closer to hopefully finding a cure. Think of it as your one good deed you have to do for the day. Here's the link to my participation page where you can donate at:

I'm more than grateful to anyone who's donating. Sincerely, thank you.

March 19th, 2009 at 04:55am