The girl that gave me butterflies has decided she'd rather be with this other guy...

And, uh, I thought she liked me. :(
I know I rambled on about her, but that was because I liked her. She was amazing, is amazing... but she likes this other guy more apparently. :S
And, get this right, she told me to 'cheer up and make out with some hot guy'...
... sorry, what?!?

I think I'm giving off the gay vibe again, but geez, what the hell am I doing wrong?
Am I such a mediocre person that I'm not worth the time and effort for anyone?
Why do all my effing relationships or attempts at them fail miserably!?
And why does everyone think I'm gay!

On better news, the boys have settled into married life as sweetly as two lovebirds can but it's weird to think about sometimes, cause it's only just occuring that we're all growing up.
I kinda wanted us to be young and brothers and stupid and invincible forever.
I guess forever is a little too long to ask for. :)
March 20th, 2009 at 12:28am