For the love of the hatchet, why can't this all stop?

Well, I think for once I'm going to vent a bit about my life currently. For starters, yesterday I came home to find out that my family got into a full blown argument that didn't go over well. It was over something so stupid too and I'm growing weary of the fighting. So the story is, is that my dad went back to bed even after he woke up to give me lunch money which was around 7:00 in the morning, and instead of getting into the shower and heading to work, went back to sleep. Then when he woke up, he asked my mom what time she had to get into the shower, as both she and my sister needed to get to work. She said she was finishing her coffee and then needed to get into the shower. My sister told my dad that she needed to get into the shower and he got into his 'that's irrelevant to what I'm asking' mood. Oh yeah, my dad takes longer than a woman in the bathroom, figure that out. Oh boy, can definitely see where this is headed.

Well from there it went to hell. He got pissed off because they had to go to work and kept saying 'I have to go to work!' every time they said that they had to shower. As if his job is the only important one. Anyway, he got even angrier and then my sister, who just so happens to be 21 years old and is soon to be 22, got in the shower after my dad complained about how he had to blow dry his hair in the bedroom where he can't see what he was doing. She wanted privacy in which she should be entitled to, so she locked the door. My dad tried to get in and got even angrier that she locked the door that he kicked the door in, effectively breaking the lock and damaging the door frame. Not to mention that in a menacing tone he said 'now you can't lock the door. No one can'.

Now lets get something straight, my dad gives everyone an attitude, but if you so much as get snippy at him, he flips out and starts slamming doors and throws a temper tantrum. Oh and then last month my town had a power outage due to strong winds. We had to go to a hotel as we didn't have power for the whole day. My mom can't eat passed a certain time, she gets nauseous. Do you think my dad took that into consideration? Nope, we didn't eat until close to 10. Oh and in the car he flipped out about how he had to go to work and needed his car so he wanted my mom to wake up at the crack of dawn to take him back to the house to get his car. That escalated into a really nasty fight. Then he started flipping out in the hotel room, causing my mom to tell him to lower his voice so that we didn't disturb the neighbors, prompting him to yell more.

Nice huh? Sure my dad can be a nice guy at times, but he's a complete jerk when he wants to be. The scary thing is he's the sane one in his family. Now imagine what his side of the family acts like. On top of this crap going on, I have to now deal with the fact that my best and closest friend practically doesn't acknowledge my existence. Sure, he doesn't really talk to anyone anymore now, but it hurts when it's someone you've known for so damn long. I don't think he really cares all that much anymore, but if he does, then he's sure as hell good at hiding it. He used to be the one I could really talk to and I thought I could call if I ever really needed someone to be there fore me. That's a joke in of itself. He doesn't answer any texts or calls, so people stop talking to him altogether and then ends up asking us why we don't talk to him anymore. What's sad is, I don't fell like I really belong in that group anymore. I feel so out of place when I'm around him, but I don't voice it in fear of being scoffed at or ridiculed. All I can say is thank the hatchet for my Juggalo family and my Maggot family. If it weren't for them, I'd be snapping right about now.
March 20th, 2009 at 01:12am