I'm not one to cry, but you guys have always been there, and my world is falling apart. :S

I haven't been around in a long time, and I know, and I am very very sorry. Really I am guys and dolls. It was completely unintentional at first, then everything started going wrong and I had a hundred more things on my mind than my Mibba. :S

I know you guys seem to care, so I'm gonna tell you from, like, the beginning.

Since the last time I was really around, which was the last time I posted a journal entry here, so some time in November, everything has changed and I'm not really sure what to tell you guys or where to start.

To begin, I'm writing this from the hospital - I'm fine, no fear - but I'll explain that a little later. Anyway, my parents split up just after Christmas and I don't really understand why, and they don't seem to be able to explain either. I never saw it coming, but I have a feeling none of us did, they just told me that they've 'fallen out of love with each other' and I suppose there's nothing really to be done about that. But it means that everything has got messy, I'm living with my mum at the moment, but seeing my dad when I have time between life and stuff.

My cat Walker died too, I've had him for like, two years, and I miss the stupid lump of fluff. He was named after a great man too.

And why I'm at the hospital. I'm here, because I'm sitting in someone's room by their bed, and if you guys remember me much at all, then you know I have my boyfriend Will. He's laying in the bed next to me and we're listening to Green Day, at least, I think he's listening to it as well. It's Minority, his favourite song, and I actually, have no idea if he can hear anything. He was involved in a car accident with his older brother on the 18th of February and he wasn't that badly hurt as such, but he hit his head and he hasn't woken up since.

I'm not sure what to do so I come along to the Hospital every day I possibly can and sit with him, talk to him, play his music, play him songs on my guitar. I don't know how to fix him or how to help, but the doctors say me being around and stuff will help. I feel so utterly helpless about it, I mean, what if he goes, like, braindead? Or he dies? What the hell will I do without him around? We haven't been together for forever, but long enough that I don't know what to do without him around. I don't like leaving him just in case something happens, hopefully that he'll wake up, but the doctors have said they don't know if he ever will.

I think the worst bit about this all, is that I tell him I love him every single effing day. In the morning if I get a chance, and in evening's when I'm there doing work or just sitting with him. I tell him all the effing time and I don't know if he can even hear me. And I don't know if he ever will, I'd never told him, just because I was shy about saying it, but when he wakes up (when, I can't think if) I will tell him so much he gets sick of it.

I'm not sure what's going on anymore guys and dolls... really I'm not.
March 20th, 2009 at 03:24pm