What Am I Suppose To Do When He Makes Me Feel Invisible?

So, my boyfriend. He's amazing I love him sooooo much, well least thats what I thought.

A week ago he got poorly and so he had a few days off school and wasn't on msn so I didn't speak to him but everyday I'd be in hope he did come online just so I could have even a 5 minute conversation with him but, when he did...we hardly spoke...he was in a bad mood...which put me in a bad mood...which left me off crying and to make matters worse he never said he loved me, when before he had always said it.

He has been back at school this week and before he'd wrap his arms around me, kiss me, make me feel like 1 in a million and never want to let me go. Now? He doesn't come near me unless someone who he wants to talk to is near me, he never hugs me first, he never kisses me. Today I held his hand and he pulled it away. He talks to everyone fine but when it comes to me its nothing.

Does he still love me?

But then before he was with me, he was with another girl but he didn't want to date her so he'd avoid her and ignore her...Is he doing same to me? Or am I just being over dramatic?
Should I give him more space?
Should I ignore him?
Should I talk to him? But how would I start the conversation off? What would I say?

My friends are the greatest things in the world if I didn't have them this week I would have ended up hurting myself...I know I would have, which is amazingly stupid I know it is but I have them so I don't need that.
But they say I don't need him...But I do, I love him!
They say I'm too good for him if he treats me like this...But I thought he was too good for me.

I don't know what to do! I don't want to leave him! I know I love him, I just want the him I fell for in the first place...But I don't know where hes gone or how to find him again.

March 20th, 2009 at 04:50pm