Change will come.

Today we were expecting the engineering students to have their final exam in PE. I was stoked to watch them because I taught two pairs for their choreography on ballroom. Their teacher asked us to watch over them, let them practice their dance. I told them to practice but they didn't listen. Some of them were actually practicing which was good and some of them were chatting with each other. But their teacher arrived 20 minutes before the dismissal so they'll be having their exam next Friday.

But I enjoyed their company, they were really talkative and talking about Naruto with me. The guy who I taught, named Kris well actually I kind of have a crush on him. He was such a gentleman the night I taught them. He rode with the jeepney with me and paid the fare. He was telling me stories and pretty much we have a lot of common in music. He was obedient too, the steps that I asked him to do, he was doing it regardless of how awkward it was (because his partner was a male too). And he was wearing shorts and I was like O_O. lol He was really tall, and I'm like up to his shoulder only. He was pretty sweet and kind. He even text me after I got home, he thanked me then. :-D

Before I went home, I went to our guidance counselor. I just want to let it all out, the emotions I have in me. I want to bring my old self back. The cheerful and positive me. I don't want this pessimist and lonely girl. I want to have more friends who are real and not fakers. I want to enjoy studying not because I have a scholarship to maintain. I want to talk to people without any hesitation. I want to believe in myself again, I don't want to hear the word failure. I want me back.

I want to change.
March 20th, 2009 at 06:24pm