Spring Break And Other Complaints

Isn't spring break supposed to be fun?

Well, I think otherwise. I have to stay at home by myself.

Well, now that I think of it, I did have some fun.

Like yesterday I went to the mall with my bestie. Wednesday I saw my love. And tomorrow I get to go to the mall again and see my love. Sometimes I want it to end but then again I don't. I don't want to be grounded again. Not being able to see my love on our six months anniversary.

I just now realized I'm pretty. That sounds vain. I know. But I just now thought about how many times My boyfriend has said, you are pretty, beautiful, etc. I wish I put in more effort when it comes to my appearance. Like, my teeth or my skin. I still have braces. and My skin... let's not get in to that subject. But I love my eyes. And my hair.

I sound so vain. I try not to.

Maybe that's enough of complaining...
March 20th, 2009 at 07:34pm