Take a look into my mind. We have Cookies!!

hi. I'm going to warn you all, before you read the rest of this, that almost every paragraph in this journal, will probably having nothing in common.

now... shall i let you have a tour of my mind the? yes? allll riiighty then!

well, let's start off at school.

i go to **** in *******. maybe you've heard of it? maybe you go there yourself ^^. anyway, so i 'm walking in P.E right? well, I'm walking alone, so these dudes start goin " yeah, she's mine right there." and other cat calls. now to some people, that might not bother you. well.. I'm different. i was raised in a Christian home, and i am a parent- pleaser. so,. I'm pretty ignorant. as in naive. anyway, stuff like that annoys the h#$% out of me. i wanted to slap that guy. but of course, I'm Christian. so instead, i prayed for the guy. " Dear God, Please that dude never do that again, and realize the errors of his ways. Amen." i did a good thing. i hope i never see that dude again ^^.

and I'm having a bit of an identity crisis. what am i?! i find it very hard to find people like me. it could be because I'm sorta anti-social....... but i don't know. not very many people have my sort of humor. so.. i have to border between the people i don't like, like " Populars" and "geeks".
Thus resulting in my current state of craziness.

And that was a look into my mind. i hope you enjoyed it. >.>

oh yeah. I lied about the cookies.
March 21st, 2009 at 02:47am