I feel quite bad now....

Two years ago I wrote a story about this character 'Elizabeth Midwitch' and how she fell in love with a guy who only saw her as a best friend etc etc...you know all that soppy stuff?

Then my band broke up and I wanted to go solo...So I stole her character name so I could hide all my music from the people I was writing about... Now Im playing gigs still under her name. Her name all over the billboards and stuff like that.

I was just sat there a second ago...looking at a picture of me stood with one of the signs...I look so proud of myself, when really I shouldn't....seeing as Shes getting all the credit for my work.

Its always 'Elizabeth' this and 'Elizabeth' that in the reviews of my shows.... What about poor Stephanie? She was the one that faked sickness off school to write songs on her synths at home.

Sometimes I wonder whats going on in my head. xD

Hows Mibba this fine day/night depending where you are?
Any other solo musicians wanting to get heard.... Please let me know...I need to listen to new talent. :)

Stephanie..... Not Elizabeth Midbitch xD
March 21st, 2009 at 05:40am