Deleted Story

Alright so 'Two Totally Twisted Arrangements' was deleted from Mibba. And I don't think I'll be posting it back up here again. I believe it was deleted due to going against the guideline rules. That same post that reached quite a few Mibba members, although I'm not quite sure, I thought I had taken care of the problem. If you would like to read it go to my Quizilla account which is posted up on my profile page. Sorry to those of you who subscribed and actually liked it but I think one story on Mibba is enough for the time being.

On another note, I'm sorry the updates for 'Sold as a Pet to the Vampire Prince!' haven't been coming so quickly. Life's very hectic right now and I'm struggling with my personal dilemmas and having times to write. Hopefully everything will settle down by the time the month of May rolls around I can resume updating on a normal basis. Until then please be patient with me and continue to read as I update.
March 21st, 2009 at 09:37pm