Does Random Count?

Okay, so you know how at the top of the New Entry page is says:

"The topic of your journal has to be something worthwhile and can't be silly span. You need to put effort into your journals."

Do random things that pop into your mind count? As long as you make them slightly long? I mean, if it is your journals then I don't see why not. And who cares really?! I mean like if they see that it is just random things put together, and they don't like it, they can easily click the 'x' button or something.

Hell yeah I am good at naming songs on my youtube playlist! (I just named 3 songs that came after eachother so...yeah...I'm proud)

But anyways, focus, I want to know what you guys think : Does Random Count?

Please comment and we can start like one of those vote-y things that you have to sign to pass a....notion or something....yeah...
March 21st, 2009 at 09:39pm