
You know how people say you are what you wear.

Hippie - Dungiress, top with a tree on it

Scene Kid - Big hair and hello kitty t-shirts

Chav - Tracksuit

Prep - Hollister

Well I think its a load of bull!

I went to a concert a couple of nights ago. Wearing a demin skirt, dark blue tights, dark blue t-shirt and bright pink lipstick and the looks I got from some people I just wanted to smack them. They thought because I didnt dress "scene" I couldnt like this band. I wear whatever I want. All black somedays. All pink the next. Band tshirts(I cherish my guns n roses one lol). Hollister tshirts. I like looking good and wearing whatever the fu** I want if I like it. Clothes shouldnt define a person. The person should define the clothes. Yeah some people have there own style and others follow a style to be "cool" (which is just lame) But no one should ever judge a person by what they wear. Some people's profiles on here Ive seen written. Dislikes - people who dress preppy and wear hollister....PLEASE GET A LIFE GET TO KNOW THE GOD DAMN PERSON YOU SELFish MOTHER********


Sorry if I come across a tad bit angry but hey I feel better now

March 22nd, 2009 at 12:44am