I met Santa Claus.

She's been back for nearly a month now. It's been... rough. Both of them had expected to be out of the country when he left, but they were both still here. Now we're cleaning up what he left behind, but pushing ahead for what will come next.

Some interesting things I learned about him.
1) He's actually a member of the church of latter day saints. In other words, he's mormon. However, he kind of left the church in a hurry. It's a funny story for those who knew him.
2) He loved this Tracy girl very, very much. Although they haven't been together for many years, they were still close.
3) He had a daughter by that Laurel bitch. Her name's Amanda. She's 30. And, unfortunately, she takes after her mother. None of my generation had heard of her until these past few weeks. I was the only one actually told about her, Nikki just found out by asking me who was in the picture. Sam still doesn't know. My parents didn't know I knew.
4) His best friend, Dan, looks identical to Santa Claus. Like... really. He's really cool.

Tomorrow we're going to finish moving out his apartment. Or at least try to. It's just like, furniture left. It'll be interesting.
March 23rd, 2009 at 04:54am