Funny How You Really Dont Know Your Best Friend!

You'd be amazed how some people can be so low.
My ex best friend Tanaya had introduced me to my now boyfriend Kane which was great i was happy because we get along so well and everythings great, but tanaya had introduced us for other reasons.
she thought that we were only meeting for sex! i am no slut! i respect myself and would never sleep with a stranger i am mature enough to know how wrong that is.
Now obviously i had gotten his number and we had been talking for a few weeks and catching up like going out to dinner and then just with mates (tanaya wasnt there).
Then one day when me and kane were kinda seeing eachother but not going out you know how it is i get a call from tanaya saying Kane is a player and he just wants me for sex and then his gonna leave me, i was shocked and so upset so i called kane asking all these questions and he told me she was lying to try and pull us apart i didnt know who to believe so i left it and went on.
Another week went by and i was hanging out with tanaya and then she tells me that kanes friends had been bagging him for seeing me like i was such a bad person and that they hated me, i was unhappy so once again i called him asking why they would say this he called ben one of his mates and asked why the hell they would say that but ben said he would never say that and that he thinks im a great chick so all was settled then.
Once again i am with tanaya and she tells me off how Kanes friend bon bon had called her and said i was on anti-depressent pills and thats when i really lost it for something so personal to be said about me i called kane abusing him asking wtf is going on and why he would tell his friends after minutes of me yelling at him i realised i had never told Kane about it!
Now for the real story kane called bon bon and asked him what was gong on and he said tanaya had called him telling him this so that kane would think i was a freak and break up with me and also that tanaya was going to do what ever she could for us to stop seeing eachother.
she was supposed to be my best friend i told her about my personal things that really affected my life she spread them all because of a boy i couldnt believe now thanks to her i dont trust anyone, i hope non of you have a best friend that will do that to you over a boy.
Love Amber
March 23rd, 2009 at 10:07am