Starting Over ... Maybe?

Well, things have been going and should i say depressingly? Well in the span of my previous journal to this point I am at now, a lot has happened. I've have seemed to have uncontrolably lost two friends, made another, got one of those of which I lost back on the border line and now the other that I have lost, I'm am in the process of texting; catching up on times lost. Then again, a friend of myne says that my family is worried about me that I am changing and I do not know how. It just seems that all of this is set in motion around me and I watch as it all happens and I do not possess the abililty to neither stop it nor change it. What am I to do? What is there to do? I now have to go back to the house that my horse stays at to tend to him. This is the same house that I have made so many memorys with my last loved one(the same one who is on the borderline of my mentioning earlier) and every place I go there brings back these dreaded memories I should but cannot be going on for. Well until next time. <Ty
March 23rd, 2009 at 03:32pm