Super Lush Sweeties!

So, I have this obsession with sweets.
I absolutely love them to bits! :)
Went to the shop today, and got some really cute ones.
Quite looking forward to it!
I'm a little inspired though, maybe a story involving sweets
Like willy wonka gone even crazier haha.

Anyway, I've decided on maybe, trying to all sorts of sweets
Make it a sort of hobbie
Considering we have Cyber Candy and some massive sweets and candy shops in brighton
It shouldn't be hard for me to get a big collection!
Though, I'm sure I'll be getting lots of tummy aches and toothaches T_T
And I'll have to make sure to stock up on toothpaste and mouthwash
As not to rot me teethies away T_T

on a completely different note.
Not sure what stuff I'm going to put on this mibba thing.
Any ideas? I need a little inspiration
Not to mention some motivation as well! :)

Seeing as layouts aren't in massive supply for Mibba, I'm thinking of making some and posting them up for people to use! Any requests or suggestions, make sure to let me know! :)

March 23rd, 2009 at 04:54pm