if you want to save money, concetrate

Today I seriously feel like giving up.

I have no motivation to do anything. I woke up in a shit mood, got yelled at by my mother, had a row with my brother, and didn't even see my dad before he left for work.

I was all ready to do some schoolwork today as well. I managed to get most of my tech done, even though I am still waaaaay behind considering everyone else in my class are like... geniuses. I remembered my folder and everything and what does she do?

She fucked me right off.

I spent all of last week doing FORTY as in 4 0 designs for textiles, all different clothing stuff, hoodies, shirts, skirts, you name it I drew it, and we got to the lesson today ready to design patterns for them and she tells us "Oh well I thought about it and I want you to all do the same thing so that I can mark it easier."

So we just have to throw away 2 weeks worth of work because she wants an easier marking time? Fuck off. Now I have this crap design of some dress she wants me to make that looks hideous. I mean even a blind chick wouldn't wear this. And I am meant to make it look stylish and expensive??

I just cannot see the point in trying when it means fuck all. I really wanted to do well today.

On top of that, Scarlett Whore-Face Spalding was being a bitch again, glaring at me all the way through tech and snorting at my comments. God "grow up" springs to mind.
Honestly, who thinks that making your best friend fall in love with your boyfriends friend and then finding out she doesnt like him is a good reason to ignore her for the rest of enternity?

She seems to think she rules the universe. NEWSFLASH - nobody gives a shit.

I seriously just AHHOEHNJGNWFJEWBGBOJEDBV am in a bad mood today. I uploaded ETLTMCNS and I am reasonably happy with that, check it out buddddies :)

God now I need to go into work and see if my mutant of a boss will let me have next weekend off so I can try and get my entire art project done before it needs to be handed in otherwise I will fail with flying colours.

Don't you hate how teachers all say "We understand you have other lessons to think about" then have no consideration towards other deadlines when their work is due in? The world doesnt revolve around one subject. GAWWWD.

Rant over, I'm sure you've had enough by now.

ex's and oh's

March 24th, 2009 at 07:32pm