You fail at Mibba when...

I was bored at school today and started writing this. Just for funsies and not to be taken seriously.Yeah?

You fail at Mibba when you...

-Haven't whored out a story, whether it be your own or another user.

-Haven't used the :file: smiley at least once.

-Haven't posted a journal asking for Mibba's advice.

-Haven't seen at least one journal "tYpeD LiEk Dis".

-Haven't gotten married/engaged to another Mibba user.

-Haven't had a double,triple,quadriple post happen to you cause your computer froze up.

-Haven't had a journal that has had more than 20 comments.

-Haven't met another Mibba user in "real life".

-Haven't clicked on the Gay Chubby Dating ad.

-Haven't met a user who survived the Mibba Crash of '07.

-Haven't posted a journal celebrating your Mibba-versary. Or birthday.

-Haven't welcomed a newbie.

-Haven't read (or at least heard of) Jinxeh's No Man's Land story.

-Haven't been to Dujo's profile.

-Haven't posted a journal ranting about a certain subject.

-Aren't subscribed to at least 10 stories.

-Haven't had a Porn experience.

-Haven't used bored smiley's on journals or comments.

-Haven't been involved in a heated discussion about the following: Twighlight, Jonas Brothers,Scene girls, whether or not MCR can save someone's life or Fanfiction V.s. Original.

-Haven't corrected someone's grammar.

-Haven't claimed your Bi.

-Don't know the the difference between this shifty ::shifty: & this shifty :shifty.

-Haven't posted your favorite lyrics/quotes on your profile page/siggy.

-Haven't read the following things somewhere in Mibbaland: Homophobia is gay, labels are for soup cans, 98% of teens listen to hip-hop & rap. 2% Listen to rock. etc.

-Haven't shared concert experiences/pictures via Journal.

-Haven't asked users to follow you on Twitter.

-Haven't followed other users on Twitter.

-Haven't requested a banner/layout or one-shot.

-Haven't ended something with the end command. ( [/rant],[/fangirl],[/loser], etc.)

-Haven't posted a journal saying you'll be away from Mibba for a week & post a journal as soon as you come back saying how much you missed Mibba.

That's all I came up with. I haven't done some of those things either...


I found 2 prom dresses that I like. I was going to post pictures of them up to get some, you know, thoughts on which one I should wear. But I got lazy.
March 25th, 2009 at 12:02am